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Bikepacking Israel


Take the long tour through the ancient land of Israel, home to one of the earliest cultures of mankind, and the bedrock of the holy bible. This is where it all started.
From the No Man's land of the desert, full of sharp mountains, colorful sand and amazing single tracks to the biggest green forest in Israel.
We are going to take you on an adventure from South to North, from East to West. only you, your bike and maybe a friend or two.
Cross rivers, swim in lakes, rest for an hour under an old tree, feel the energy coming back...
Climb some of the tallest mountains Israel has to offer but from there give your eyes magnificent panoramic views of the Golan, Desert, Galil, Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv.
This journey is not about getting first to the finish line but to enjoy the moment of breathing freedom.

Your journey starts now!
Riding the entire route; no shortcuts or variations of the route
Self supported; no angel intervention, family or bystanders
Trying to keep external intervention to a minimum; minimum Facebook or other social media
Demonstrate brotherhood to fellow riders in need; remember its not only about the race
Respect Nature and Parks Authority rules; don't ride at night where it's prohibited

P2P Discover Israel
Take the long tour through the ancient land of Israel, home to one of the earliest cultures of mankind, and the bedrock of the holy bible. This is where it all started.
The Spirit:

About HLC
The first self-supported mountain bike race from the north to the south of Israel across the historical landscapes of the Holy Land.
Bring your bike and gear and ride, self-supported, as fast as you can to the Red Sea.
We didn't choose the shortest route nor the quickest from Mt. Hermon in the North to Eilat, the southernmost point in Israel, but we did choose the route that will take you through the historical places and landscapes that make our country so beautiful and special.
With a total of 1,461km and elevation gain of over 20,000m it is not going to be an easy ride. The route passes along gravel roads, single tracks and ancient roman roads. This route is like no other; rough, painful and challenging but also rewarding and FUN.
The self-supported spirit is the key and fundamental code the HLC strives to root as part of its DNA. It is this code among riders that will make this event special in the future along with the magical route.
We feel we want to stress the message that even though the HLC is a bikepacking race, the racing element of it is the theme that keeps the rider pushing him/her self to the limit.
The most important element of the event is the JOURNEY – the epic experience one will go through while riding the HLC. The journey starts by meeting the underlined below code of conduct;
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